I am a photographer inspired by the idea of capturing an irreplaceable moment. Time is an important theme in the photographs I shoot and is my driving force of creativity. My work plays with what time is and how it can be defined while emphasizing the importance of its constant continuity. I explore the ways an object can capture time. I photograph these fleeting moments on digital cameras to hold the value of the colors and to guarantee most, if not all, components of the photograph are sharply still. The compositional structure of my photographs is influenced by my extensive art education and my affinity for seeing shapes and lines in the world around me whether they exist physically or visually. I want people to be encapsulated in the moments photographed and to feel as if they are present in those moments I capture.
Ohio-based artist Hannah Moore [b.2002] explores the manipulation of time in their work and how irreplaceable moments can be captured in photography. Moore is currently obtaining a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in both Fine Arts and Communications from Ohio Wesleyan University and is interested in the exploration of how art and digital media can work together to create something new. Capturing the essence of freezing moments in time is evident in their utilization of digital and medium format cameras. Moore is motivated by the idea that time never stops and uses it to shoot irreplaceable moments throughout their life. Inspired by the music they hear, Moore has photographed live music performances confining the same energy from a moment in person into their photographs. The constant movement and the unpredictability of these performances creates a lively dynamic between the moment and what is captured, drawing them in with their passion for creating compelling artwork.